By Patricia Falcetta

The Family Joy
Program WorkBook Resource

Think of the Family Joy program similar to a Lonely Planet Guide. It is your guide, your map to joy within your household. It is a guided step by step tour towards ,peace in your household.


The Family Joy Program

Think of the Family Joy Program similar to a Lonely Planet Guide. Your neurodiverse child will certainly feel like a fish out of water; as if they are living in a foreign country, in this world adapted to suit neurotypicals. It is your guide, your map to joy within your household. It is a guided step by step tour towards, harmony in your household.

The program takes you through a journey where you truly come to understand neurodiversity, and, the many strengths that come with it. This then in turn provides you with the tools of how to best support your child and nurture yourself at the same time.

The program supports you to support your child; to assist your child in a way that supports them to become the best they can be. It enables you to be their tour guide through life as a neurodiverse person in a neurotypical world. You will feel empowered to help your child grow and develop positive self-confidence and esteem, and not feel like a fish out of water but to feel accepted and loved in their own diversity for this is what makes them unique!

The program and accompanying guide also supports you as parent/s to embrace you child’s neurodiversity and give you the tools to be the best possible advocates for them in their journey throughout life.

Who can use this program

Everyone who is dealing with autism/neurodiversity

Patricia Falceta

Meet The Author

I support families with neurodiverse children, ( Examples of Neurodiverse conditions are Autism (ASD), ADHD, dyslexia and others such conditions as dyspraxia), transform from daily stress into joy and a sense of relief.

​I take a holistic approach whereby I look at the family as a whole rather than the child as an individual that needs to be “fixed.” Neuro diverse children often feel like a fish out of water, they feel as if they don’t belong as if they have somehow landed in the wrong place.

I get this as I am neurodiverse myself have 2 children who are neurodiverse. Having gone through my own struggles and experiencing my boys struggles with them, I was prompted me to create my own business, Social Living Solutions.

My vision has always been to to provide parents with understanding and practical support, and to just know that there is someone working in this area that just “gets it.”

This is one of the biggest compliments some of my clients with autism give me “you just get it”, “you understand me.” I get it. Yes! I get it, without any judgment or personal opinion of you and your circumstances.

I too have experienced the overwhelm, stress and worry from being an autism parent. I have experienced those same judgemental looks from strangers in shopping centres and been told your child needs more discipline by complete strangers as well as close family.


What People Are Saying

“Patricia has provided our family with many resources and much information. She has provided me with many ideas and different approaches to help my son until we found what best works for him.

Patricia is flexible and encouraging and willing to try different approaches until finding the approach that best suits your family and your child.”

D.K – Previous Client

“Patricia has been working with my son who has inattentive ADD and dyslexia.

Patricia initially worked with him to help him transition from primary school to high school. She has also helped him to gain confidence and self esteem.”

A.N – Previous Client


Begin your Journey
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